I tittle this collaboration "Infinite Unraveling". The sculpture (Knot 53S) is by Damon Hildreth, the words by Hani'a Hummingbird Hototo:
Infinite unraveling, our independence merging, our swirling matrimony dancing in stillness…
…In the Aegis of Space, between light and shadow, by some miracle of sweat and perception is Freedom revealed from its prison of form:
“Take me to Heaven, O Human! –too long have I been hostage to material law. Yet I am alive too! I too am a Soul; do you not feel my Soul in Yours?
Let an observing eye witness our Eternal Origin!
"Contrive me in your imagination, O Human! –devise me with your mind; with your hands adapt, form, forge, buff and polish and buff and polish…
…and let go, O Human. Let go and let go and let go.”
…In the Aegis of Space, between light and shadow, by some miracle of sweat and perception is Freedom revealed from its prison of form:
“Take me to Heaven, O Human! –too long have I been hostage to material law. Yet I am alive too! I too am a Soul; do you not feel my Soul in Yours?
Let an observing eye witness our Eternal Origin!
"Contrive me in your imagination, O Human! –devise me with your mind; with your hands adapt, form, forge, buff and polish and buff and polish…
…and let go, O Human. Let go and let go and let go.”
This collaboration is with Terry Koch, who did drawing,
words by Hani'a Hummingbird Hototo. I tittle it "it seems":
words by Hani'a Hummingbird Hototo. I tittle it "it seems":
“Yes, God?”
Who Art Thou, Man?
“I am who You make me to be… it seems.”
Explain Yourself.
“Without You, I am not.”
And With Me?
“With You I am… And I am not… it seems.”
What Art Thou, Man?
“I am thing… and no-thing… it seems.”
Explain Yourself.
“I am this, and also that… And I am neither that, nor this… it seems”
Why Art Thou, Man?
“I am that You may somehow be known… it seems.”
Are We Successful?
“Yes! –and no… it seems.”
“Yes, God?”
Who Art Thou, Man?
“I am who You make me to be… it seems.”
Explain Yourself.
“Without You, I am not.”
And With Me?
“With You I am… And I am not… it seems.”
What Art Thou, Man?
“I am thing… and no-thing… it seems.”
Explain Yourself.
“I am this, and also that… And I am neither that, nor this… it seems”
Why Art Thou, Man?
“I am that You may somehow be known… it seems.”
Are We Successful?
“Yes! –and no… it seems.”